dimanche 22 juillet 2012

Snow White tasted the apple and got poisoned.

But I guess we all did, right ?

I've come to the realization that as much as most of us individuals want to be very independent and set that as a goal in our lives, we are very dependent on other things.

Sometimes I wonder what people standing by themselves in the street would do without their phone in their hands. Even if it's out of battery, it doesn't really matter. 

The way we communicate, work, organize is all done through technology, internet etc... and if one day it doesn't work, well basically it's panic. And instead of going and enjoying a little walk, without the smart phone, iPad and what not, you're pretty sure to be spending your day trying to fix the problem. Or calling your friend from your house phone, telling her how annoyed you are with the fact that something's not working.

Other times, I can tell people use it as safety. Not only to avoid something that's right in front of you, but also something that could be in front of you, but you would much rather place it behind a screen than doing it in person. 

This could sound like I'm being negative, but I'm not. I have to say, I feel pretty thankful for my iPhone that lets me take great pictures anytime and anywhere, and lets me talk to people on the other side of the planet whenever I want.

It might help be connected to the whole world, but in the end, aren't we sometimes a little too disconnected from the real world ?

1 commentaire:

  1. Imagine what it was like "way back when" -- like when I was growing up. Communications technology has changed EVERYTHING.
